“The experience has honestly been amazing, really good support, helping me with grief, and changing my mindset. Thanks so much for all your support.” – Emily, Sunderland.

I just wanted to say thank you for your support. I couldn’t have asked for more than the support and advice you gave me. I have recommended you to colleagues and I always hear positive comments about you and the service. I would recommend you to everyone as the service you have provided across our site particularly has been amazing.” – Lesley, Tyne & Wear.

“I don’t know where to start. All I can honestly say is thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your help. I would not be where I am today without all your help, tips and support. I one million per cent recommend your service to anyone.” – Deb, Tyne & Wear.

“The support was fantastic. Your manner and how you guided me to think of what options are best, rather than tell me this is what works, has helped me look forward. Mental health to me is about acknowledging what you feel and challenging where necessary. You’ve aided me in a very professional, although very approachable way. I felt comfortable from the first time we met.  I have a clearer vision of my physical and mental recovery now, this had helped me focus on making small changes with the insight of knowing these will help in the future.  So YESSS, it’s helped and I’d 100% recommend you. It’s been a pleasure, thanks again.” – James, Tyne  & Wear.

“I’m so grateful to have found Elaine and her expertise in this field (Fibromyalgia/adrenal fatigue etc).  I’d struggled for years trying to help myself ‘cope’ with this condition, not fully understanding what I was dealing with and not being able to get any assistance from the medical profession. I had basically hit a brick wall and didn’t know what else to do or who I could get advice from and it was wearing me down. I now feel more like the old me and have more energy and focus to deal with everything that’s going on. I have gained new knowledge and skills to help me get through each day now and think more positively about the future. I no longer feel like a prisoner of this condition!”  Johanna A, Tyne & Wear.  This client made an 84.65% improvement in only 3 months.

“I found Elaine to be a true expert in her field. Her obvious passion for her work shines through in everything she does. She has helped me so much with her complimentary therapies including “Reiki” and she introduced me to “Tapping”. I cannot recommend her highly enough.” – Sara, North Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne.

“Life was not good. I was suffering with fatigue, no confidence, I was not in a good place. You introduced me to Tapping and Reiki. My life has changed in so many ways, I can’t thank you enough.” – J.G, County Durham.

“I was feeling that I was in a dark hole.  I needed someone like Elaine who guided and encouraged me to see my way out.  With her help and support I now feel life is good and fibromyalgia is not a lifetime condition.” – Elizabeth Hayes, Northumberland.

“Working with Elaine was life changing; I made many small changes which led to big improvement to my health and my life.” – Sarah, Newcastle upon Tyne.

I have used the service with a set of sessions and cannot give Elaine enough credit for all of her guidance and support. It has helped me massively and I would 100% recommend it.” – Anon, South Tyneside.

I found the sessions to be really helpful and beneficial. I was comfortable opening up to Elaine and explaining the issues I had. She helped me find ways to overcome issues I faced daily. I would recommend for people to give it a try!” – Anon, Tyne & Wear.

“I was holding onto a lot of emotional baggage and this was making me feel very low and down. Elaine is so approachable and has real empathy. I felt great after just 1 session of Reiki and she introduced me to EFT. After a few sessions of each I was able to let all my negatives feelings be released and now feel much more positive and content. Thanks so much Elaine.” – S.Ph, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne.

“Elaine, thank you for all the advice you gave me and I feel the Reiki has really helped.”
– Christine, Northumberland.

“Following a fall, I was in quite a lot of pain in the upper part of my back and neck. I chose to try reiki as I thought it might be more gentle than traditional methods such as physiotherapy. As expected, the treatment was very gentle, but what I had not expected was its efficiency. In only  a handful of sessions, I was well enough to go on a skiing holiday which had been booked months in advance. Needless to say that I was very pleased with the outcome. Elaine also gave easy to follow advice on managing the pain which helped in the immediate term as well as having longer term beneficial effects. Elaine will be my first call of choice if I’m in similar trouble again.” – PRGC.

 “My reiki session with Elaine was very effective. I sensed that she was very tuned in to my energy, even returning to an area to give additional healing after I’d also realised more healing was needed there – all this without any conversation! A very spiritual lady. I would highly recommend her”. – Carmel Slawski, Rowlands Gill, Tyne & Wear.

“Elaine is a compassionate, genuine, and creative healer. I was trying to work through an issue and got stuck so reached out to her for some help. She gently and effectively used EFT to help me release the emotional pain connected to the issue. I felt incredibly safe in her competent hands. I now have a new view of the issue, and feel free of it. Thank you Elaine, you are amazing!” – Linda D, Chicago, Illinois, USA.

“Elaine is a skilful practitioner who is insightful and well paced to stay with issues until fully resolved. She is fully present from start to finish of session and is easy to confide in because of the truly interested and compassionate quality of her listening. She has the flexibility and skill set to stay in sync with how to get the best possible benefit from the session. Elaine really helped me uncover and release grief and get to deeper layers for relief than I would have naturally gotten to on my own.” –  S.Z, California, USA.

“Elaine thank you so much for everything you did, the support and helping me take the emotion from the situation was something that will stay with me for the rest of my life. Giving the help you have gave me I would highly recommend you to anyone, thank you again so much you have really helped me.” – Daniel, Tyne & Wear.

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